10 Primitive Fishing Techniques in Survival Situations

If you find yourself lost in the wilderness with no means of obtaining food, you may have to resort to primitive fishing techniques. While not always successful, these techniques can provide sustenance if used correctly.

Methods of primitive fishing include using a hook and line, spear, using bare hands to spearfish, and using improvised fishing nets. There are many different ways to utilize these techniques, so find one that is suitable for the environment you’re in and the fish you’re targeting.

10 Primitive Fishing Techniques in Survival Situations

Here are 10 primitive fishing techniques to help you survive:

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1. Primitive Fishing With Your Bare Hands?

Primitive fishing techniques can be quite effective when fishing in rivers and lakes. One of the most primitive fishing techniques is hand fishing. This is considered to be one of the most efficient ways to fish since you are using your own two hands. Hand Fishing Perfect In Rivers And Lakes.

Here are three tips for primitive fishing using your hand:

Master hand fishing with these 3 beginner-friendly tips!

Step 1. Locate Your Target.

Primitive fishing using your hand is a great way to get your catfish dinner. It can be tough to snag a big one with a rod and reel, but by using your hand you can easily get a meal. Fishing using your hand is best done in dark areas like holes and hollow logs where the fish are most likely to be hiding.

Step 2. Set the Bait.

Fishing using your hand involves moving your fingers in imitation of worms or other small prey animals. The technique is easy to learn and can be very effective when fishing in difficult or shallow water.

Step 3. Grab the Target.

When the fish bites your hand, just grab, hold, and pull.

Catfish have long spiky barbells on their dorsal fin that can easily puncture human skin if hooked incorrectly. Even when using proper handling techniques, these barbs can cause serious cuts and lacerations. In fact, if you’re not careful while reeling in this fish – be sure to release your grip immediately once you’ve secured it to the shore!

2. Primitive Fishing With a Spear: Ancient Technique Still Effective Today

Spears are one of the earliest primitive fishing methods. They are easy to craft, yet it takes training to master them for catching fish. Even though spears are easy to make, they require skill to use them effectively. Hunters and fishermen who practice using spears can catch a lot of fish with this method.

They are effective on specific fish types, but you also have to consider the fishing environment. Spearfishing is a great way to catch large fish in shallow water, but it’s not recommended for use in deeper water because the spear can get stuck in the sediment.

3. Primitive Fishing Using Hooks

The first evidence of primitive fishing is from the Neolithic period, about 10,000 years ago. Hooks were easy to fashion from available materials in their environments, such as wood, bones, or stones.

The basic idea was to attach a weight to the end of a stick and then lower it into the water until it hooked something. This method allowed people to get food that they might not have been able to catch otherwise.

The ideal condition for this primitive fishing technique requires banks with heavy cover. This allows the fish to stay hidden and gives you a better chance of catching them.

Primitive fishing using hooks can be a really fun and rewarding experience, provided you employ the right techniques. Firstly, it is important that the water is deep dropping just down near the bank. This will allow you to easily cast your cordage and hook to lure catch. Secondly, use a slow, steady rhythm when reeling in your line so as not to spook the fish.

How to Catch fish with hooks: the two main methods

  • Rod Angling

This type of rod is usually made out of bamboo or wood and has a hook at the end that’s attached to a fishing line.

The advantage to using an angler’s rod is that it allows you to cast your line further than you would with other types of rods. Additionally, the hook on an angler’s rod can be much smaller than those on other types of rods, which makes it easier to catch small fish.

If you’re looking to try out fishing for the first time, then an angler’s rod may be the perfect choice for you.

  • Line Fishing

From an elevated position, a handheld line is lowered into deep water. The fisherman then casts the line out, waiting for a bite. When one is detected, the fisherman quickly pulls on the line to reel in his catch. This type of fishing is often referred to as “line fishing.

Pro Tip: Primitive fishing hooks don’t have barbs, which makes them a bit trickier to use than standard hooks. The catch is hooked in the lip and then flipped out of the water as fast as possible so that it can be caught again. This technique is still used by primitive fisherman around the world today.

4. the art of primitive fishing with fish traps!

Primitive fishing using fish traps is a time-honored tradition that can be enjoyed by anyone. Fish traps are simple devices made from natural materials like bamboo, twigs, branches, sticks, or even stones.

They can be placed in any body of water, including streams, rivers, and lakes. When a fish swims into the trap, it becomes trapped and can be captured easily by hand.

Fish traps make for an easy way to catch a variety of freshwater and saltwater fish. They’re also great for catching frogs, turtles, and other small creatures. Anyone can enjoy the simplicity of primitive fishing using fish traps by setting some up in their backyard or local river.

5. Primitive Fishing by Striking

Fishers of yore relied on their strength and dexterity to reel in their prey. Though methods have changed over the years, many of the same principles that were used centuries ago are still used today in primitive fishing.

One popular technique is striking, which involves using a stick to hit fish swimming near the surface. This causes them to swim into the fisherman’s net or rod, where they can be captured easily.

6. Primitive Fishing by Stunning

Primitive fishing by stunning is still practiced in certain parts of the world today. This method of fishing utilizes various types of fruits, leaves, seeds, and roots to make poison. Once applied to still water, the poison stun fishes where they float and are free for the taking.

This method of fishing is especially common in areas with a lot of fish such as rivers and lakes.

The two common natural ingredients to make poison are mullein seeds and black walnut. But there are more native plants in North America for this purpose. These plants can be found growing abundantly throughout the eastern and central United States, as well as in Canada.

Stun fishing: two important things to consider

  • Check Local Legislations

Stun fishing is an activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, but it is illegal in many places. Before you embark on a stun fishing trip, be sure to check the local laws.

  • Clean Your Catch

When it comes to preparing fish for consumption, there are a few key points that should always be taken into consideration. One of the most important things is to clean the fish well to remove any toxins before cooking. This is especially important when stun fishing, as some toxins can remain in the flesh even after being removed during cleaning.

7. Primitive Fishing Using a Net – A Technique as Old as Time

Primitive fishing using a net is an old method that is still used today by some people. It is a very simple method and can be done with just a few supplies. The net can be made from any materials you have available and can be hung from a tree or pole.

The net can be used to catch fish, amphibians, and other small animals. Primitive fishing using a net is an ancient way to catch food, and it is still being used by some people today.

8. Primitive Fishing Using Kites

In some parts of the world, primitive fishing using kites is still practiced. Kites can be very versatile tools for fishermen and are capable of catching a variety of fish.

A kite is a simple device that consists of a string, a wing, and a weight. by flying the kite over the water, the string creates lift and causes the kite to move forward. This movement attracts fish, which are then able to grab onto the kite’s wing.

Kites can be used to catch a variety of fish, including bass, catfish, and trout. The sails and fishing lines are made from banana leaves and spiderwebs, making this type of fishing very simple. All you need is a kite, some fishing line, and your favorite bait.

9. primitive Fishing in Ice – Still a Popular Technique!

Primitive fishing in ice has been observed by biologists and anthropologists for centuries. In these activities, people use hand-held spears or nets to catch small fish and other aquatic organisms from frozen bodies of water.

This type of fishing is still practiced by some tribal groups in cold regions around the world. They use simple implements such as spears and hooks made from natural materials like bone or antlers. In some cases, they may also use containers filled with snow or ice to hold their prey.

While this form of fishing is risky due to the cold temperatures and lack of equipment, it is a common way to supplement their diets in rural areas where other food sources are scarce.

Learn the Three Best Ice Fishing Techniques:

  • Rod Fishing

Fishermen dig holes in the ice and lower a fishing rod with jigs or lures. The fisherman waits for a fish to bite and then pulls on the line until they get a good catch.

  • Tip Ups Method

A Tip-Up Method is a primitive fishing technique that uses bait and a hook to catch fish in cold water. It was popularized by Alaskan fishermen and is still used today in many places across the world. Primitive fishing in ice can be a challenge, but with practice, it can be a rewarding experience.

  • Spear Fishing

Spearfishing is essentially the same as traditional spearfishing, but fishermen use decoy fish to lure real catch. These primitive fishing techniques are used in cold environments where there is little visibility. Fishermen typically use a long pole with a sharpened end to puncture the ice and then wait for their quarry to come close enough for them to catch it with a deft thrust of the spear.

10. Primitive Fishing Using Otters – An ancient technique

Primitive fishing using otters is a common practice in many parts of the world. Otters are natural fishers and can catch a wide variety of fish with their quick reflexes. They are also able to swim fast and close to the water’s surface, which makes them ideal for primitive fishing methods.

The otters use their strong jaws and sharp teeth to catch the fish. They often hunt in groups, which makes it easier for them to capture large prey. Some people believe that primitive fishing using otters is an ancient tradition that dates back to pre-historic times.


Primitive fishing techniques are an important skill to have in a survival situation. They can provide food and sustenance when other options are not available. With a little practice, anyone can learn these techniques and be better prepared for an emergency.

Primitive Fishing Techniques In Survival Situations

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